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I offer 4 prenatal consultations. The first to get to know you ,understand your and your partners expectations of your birth, we will go over questions and discuss anything that worries you or you want to know about

I will be available and on call 24/7 from our first visit together , you can call me at any time if you have any questions or worries you need to speak about



I will be with you through birth right till the end, supporting you and your husband through the birth.

We aim to give you your perfect birth, however if things don’t go as planned and it leads to a caesarean section (which we try to avoid by all costs) ill also get the necessary permissions to be with you and your partner.

I will try and keep your birth as close to your birth plan as possible



I offer 3 consults, 1st on the first day after Birth, 3 weeks post birth and again at 6 weeks

At these consults I will drop in to hear if all is going well and how baby and mom are doing as well as the breastfeeding is going



From the time that you hire me I am available to you for phone, email, and text support . If you have any questions, concerns, or needs you may contact me



Birth Photography

I am updating my Birth Photography and am offering this free as part of the package. Please ask about this if you are interested



Little angels Doula Services works in

Home and Hospital settings

Before/After Birth

During Early labour I can come through or should you prefer to be with your family for support I can be on telephone for support , Ill be available to come through as soon as you let me know. I can help you with Last Duties like last minute washing or shop runs, or caregiver to watch kids. A lot of moms feel they just want to be with their families during this period however if you ask for me to come through ill be there



Once you are in active labour ill be by yourside supporting you and not leaving your side at all throughout the entire process. Birth can take anytime from 2hours to 24 hours.  I will support you as long as you need.I will provide you with emotional and physical support throughout the entirety of your labor. I can provide you with massage, help in positioning, emotional support, and a supportive and encouraging presence.


After the birth I will typically stay with you for two hours. I will help you with the initial breastfeeding if you choose to do so, making sure your new family is settled and comfortable, and will then leave you to bond with your newest addition.


If you are having a scheduled caesarean birth a doula is still a wonderful asset to you! In the case of caesarean births I join you in the hospital and will not leave you until you are successfully nursing your baby. In the event that your baby is in the NICU, I will make sure that you have seen pictures and are settled in and resting comfortably. Babies born by caesarean sometimes face more difficulties with breastfeeding. Having a doula to support you through those first nursing sessions is a tremendous help.


If you lay down, the baby will never come out!
~ Native American saying

During Labour

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